It’s been a year since one of the rising names in the country industry, Sam Hunt, got arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. He also had multiple charges under his neck for violation of traffic laws early in the morning of November 2019 in Nashville.
What’s worse, Sam Hunt was not only discovered with alcohol content in his blood above the DUI standards of 0.08%, he also recorded a .173% which was almost double, and was caught red-handed with an open bottle in his car.
Not in His Right Mind
According to the report, he was tracked down by the police when they saw Sam Hunt’s car driving the wrong way. Once they got his car to stop, the officers immediately noticed that Hunt reeks of alcohol and has bloodshot eyes. Upon asking the artist to surrender his driver’s license, he tried to give his credit card to the officers instead. The police then gave him an arrest warrant and further investigated his car to later find two empty beer bottles before he fessed up that he was ‘recently’ drinking alcohol.’
In July 2020, Hunt finally said something about his recent DUI case. He stated that he puts himself out from time to time as he sees his friends at a show while leaving his phone in an Uber. He added that he would often get his friends to Uber with him all night, get to their houses, and have some pizza. His mental capacity at that time isn’t as stable as he expects though. He would often fall asleep on a couch and wake up with a hangover the following day.
Lesson Learned
RELATED: 15 Essential Sam Hunt Songs You Need to Hear
This year, as an artist, Sam Hunt finally got things back on the right track as he finally released his most-awaited sophomore album ‘Southside’ in April. He was also able to hit his 7th chart no.1 through his single ‘Hard to Forget’ in July. His newest single, ‘Breaking Up Was Easy in the ’90s,’ was also released just this October.
Sure, Country Music can be fun with some swigs of alcohol, but as citizens, we must always be responsible for our actions as too much of something, even too much-intoxicated fun can be harmful in many ways. Always Drink Responsibly. That’s probably also a lesson Sam Hunt learned during his unfortunate experience.